Monday, August 29, 2005

i notice that ~~~

~~~ Amy Goodman on Democracy Now when she talks about President Bush in Crawford, Texas / well she never calls his place his Ranch / she calls it his estate or his property / sorta changes his image, non e vero ?

all hat and no cattle

Sunday, August 28, 2005

iron deficiency anemia

you feel real tired / extremely tired / and dizzy / when you bend over or stoop down and get up again you are dizzy

hang on to the tomato cage for support

sooner or later you faint

a syncope not a transient ischemic attack

one is you faint and the other (the TIA) is a mini stroke

one day i felt ~~~~so tired so done in so ready for the end that was surely near i got out my living will (downloaded during the schiavo media event) and called my lawyer

also the doctor

i had tests / blood / ekg / echocardiogram / the eagerly awaited colonoscopy and more scopys after that

so / I am just anemic / your iron is so slow its a wonder you can get out of bed in the morning sez the doc

it's the delicious italian espresso with hot milk that gets me out of bed in the morning / smile

exploding mushrooms

mushrooms of all kinds and colours and shapes and mystical business
are the secret ingredient on the Iron Chef tonight


in the morning
along the creek
explode / like
little dirt volcanoes
and there you have mushrooms !

Thursday, August 18, 2005

luck ~~~

~~~is the first thing

do you feel lucky
or are you

do you feel lucky because you are lucky

or are you luxky dukky
