Monday, June 05, 2006

write something write anything

i was on an email list / one of the members wrote

write anything if you dont have anything to say

just write something


1 comment:

Stubblejumpers Café said...

EGG-sellent! I am happy to discover you posting more often to this "blog."

What happened to your trip to Canada? Are you still planning to come up? Why ... STRAIGHT UP brings you almost to my doorstep in Saskatchewan, does it not?

Now what's this about another blog with about four contributors ... you were cryptic about that ... or are these your alter egos ...

I have a new one by the way, a less-public one my neighbours don't know about, at

Just more of the same though, I suppose.

I do find, truly, that what interests me most about people is their passage through their daily lives. Sure I love the big dramatic stories (who doesn't?) but I need to see them pull up their socks, too, if I am to identify with others on a human level.

Talk to you soon I hope,