Saturday, December 25, 2004

La Shamana di Spontaniotto ~~~

~~~~wishes to have a little time to record some notes found on a tattered scrap~~~

"~~~~want to smoke all the dope tonite so i wont have any tomorrow so i can have a couple of dope free days before jury duty / i dont know what to wear as a juror.

Mary (17) says why would they want someone like YOU ?

i am in Apple Valley

it seems like a settlement of Groan Ups not like Topanga which is for me a Childhood Haunt (it's never too late to have a happy childhood) / Haunted by Children

sometimes i wonder if "always making the Best of Things" is such an advantage : you know, i mean Positive Attitudes ?

what is your Bent ? your inclination ? your Attitude ?

this way / that way / revolving prismatically (of course)

who is to say what is "Best" ?

i am sipping port smoking the last of the dope and typing with the Olivetti on my lap. Wally is sleeping on an old sheepskin coat. C'eC'e is on a folded up sleeping bag over a foam pad. Next time bring the dog beds.

the four white cats are outside in the moonlight"

(undated / est mid '80's)


a little later and just in time for a new year's message to myself :

scrap torn from spiral notebook :

"~~~entering a new world / stepping off
on the verge of the great beyond
on the road without a map

swizzle swizzle

kick glide smile !"

(undated / est late '90's)

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