Tuesday, March 01, 2005


The PT Cruiser's license plate sez FOLLY

i hope never again to have a license plate that people have to ask what it means / sometimes i say "the prisoners got it wrong, it should be DOLLY"


a "folly" is a bit of mischief or a big screw up / one look at this car and i wanted one and i ordered it despite being over 2000 miles from home, meaning at some point i would have to travel back east to take possession when it was ready

so it was impulsive and extravagant and, yes, secretive / i was going to have to wait so long for delivery that i decided not to tell anyone what i had done / that is, until i realized i would need a carport on the property i share with family members

i chose FOLLY because she is my Controlled Folly

which is like being in charge of your own screwups / it is from Don Juan

a Controlled Folly is a degree of abandon and a degree of control

some folks get it and smile

some get the DOLLY explanation

FOLLY is pronounced FA - LEE

so i am moseying along Rte 50 across the high Nevada desert on that Loneliest Road in America last spring when a State Trooper came driving towards me on the two lane highway / i mean, he was in the same lane as i was / so i stopped

Hello, Mrs. Foley (FOE-LEE) he greeted me


i am thinking some kind of APB is out for a woman named Foley so i chirp "I am not Mrs. Foley"

non-plussed the officer said well, pull off the road, there is a BIG WIDE LOAD coming

so i did / and thought no more of it until i got home and told the story to the kids / ah haha / did they laugh at me / of course they knew immediately that the officer assumed FOLLY was my name and it was pronounced FOE-LEE

i have yet to live this down

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