Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Fast Forward

what happens when Intuition is at its peak of influence
at the same time the other three rhythms are at their least influential thus making an emphatic support system
for the free wheeling Intuition

a side kick way of seeing forward / also known as the future / that which is yet to come based on what we know or remember of the past / what we think of as the future is that which we feel able to predict / what we think of when we think forward instead of to the future is sort of like piercing beams of light penetrating a dark tunnel / the beams of light being resourceful depths of your being

in other words

you see a glimmer of your path up ahead a piece and it looks good it sure does

so you dont have a map / on the road without a map once again

you dont need a map if you can read the signs

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