Saturday, September 11, 2004

The "Steamers"

this is the note i wrote to the owner of the restaurant where i had the "steamers" mentioned in the prior post :

i just thought i would follow up on the clams of last night. (i had a restaurant when i was younger and appreciated objective input)

The first order was sublime. Every clam was properly opened. The broth was tasty with well balanced flavors of butter, herbs, garlick, white wine, and clam liquor. There was enough broth to bathe each clam and leave some for dipping your delicious bread (focaccia is the one / G9 brought me a slice of this and it is ideal with clam broth) and even drink from the bowl to finish it off.*

It was such a pleasureable rush that I went for more ! As I commented last night the second order was not the same as the first. Red chile flakes do nothing for shell fish in my opinion. The broth was ckimpy and bland. Several (3-4) clams were not open ! Howard brough a few replacements on a plate sans broth.

Had i the second order first i would have been very unhappy and never would even contemplate ordering more.

The quality of the first order is a real deal at $10.00. Indeed this could be $12 if the standard could be maintained with plenty of broth and focaccia on the side. Maybe in a more shallow bowl so all the clams could be in the broth.

*This is my idea of how steamed shell food should be served (id est clams mussels, and so forth) I love mussels too / cozze ala marinara / yum

Now the clams or "steamers" i really love are from Maine / they are known as "little necks" / they have a soft shell / not a soft shell like soft shelled crabs but a delicate, thin shell that is more easily broken. These are the little necks of my dreams / we ate these by the bucket - pull the little critters out of their shells by the little black neck, dunk them in drawn butter, and slurp away. Then swill down the clam liquor from the bucket (pour into your bowl to drink or sop up with your bread).

hint / i see they can be also ordered on the internet / smile

The lovely setting and ambiance and friendliness (G9 gave me a "bib" to cover my white dress) is always a pleasure and I thank you for providing such a place in beautiful downtown Moab.


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