Wednesday, January 12, 2005

what do you call it when ~~

~~a Full Tilt LollyGag meets A Strategic Binge ?

that's easy

the dynamic of a strategic binge is a Decisive Blowout

a Decisive Blowout is not compulsive

the Strategic Binger chooses to go all the way / all the ways !!

with conscientious meticulousness

committed to bingeing until one cant stand it anymore

~~~~~ or runs out of Red ~~~~~~~~


current Strategic Binge involves making potholders with cotton loops on a small red metal weaving frame

i learned to make these potholders when i was seven or eight

picking up the loom and loops now more than 60 years later returns me to my most essential inner child

the one with the beginner mind

the one who discovered patience

that perseverance furthers

that the oriental rug with the golden dragons in the corners was a safe haven

a place to acquire many mechanical skills

the last potholder binge did, indeed, run out of red / the binge was concluded by abandonment / there was even a potholder on the loom that was finished except for looping its edges to take it off the loom

it didnt even need another red loop but ~~

~~ pow / binge over in one fell swoop / like quitting drinking half way through a margarita or giving up cozze ala marinara half way through the platter when daughter said they looked like tonsils

1 comment:

Stubblejumpers Café said...

This makes me miss my potholders that have been left back at the farm, the bright ones you made and sent me that are small and fit my little hands perfectly so I never have to worry about their edges getting into anything I am taking out of the oven. Oh, I miss them and my crystal mugs and goblets! ~ Kate