Thursday, August 26, 2004

August 2004 / 1988

today i had my eyes examined
the good news is i dont need stronger glasses
my eyes are not that much different than last year
even though i see horses on the slick rock instead of bicycles

some little cataracts instead

no big deal, the doc sez
they can be peeled off
he shows me a big eyeball that comes apart


this time in august 1988 let's see what was happening

i saw an ant bump into a bee on the water saucer (that i keep
on the kitchen window sill to provide water for the bees)
(the ants like it too)

i am reading The Sugar Mother by Elizabeth Jolley
quite the bizarre author / she is an Australian / each one of her books
that i have read is stranger than the one before

the Last Cat looks just like the first cat whose name was Spider
(that was in Rome in 1968)

I am turning over another new leaf

today began at 5am with a coyote chasing the The Last Cat

end of day Murphy causes an accident up on topanga canyon blvd.
during commuter traffic time / "that @#$%^&" darn dog" i hear someone say

Murphy comes running down through the trees
we head for the hills just in time to see the sunset
while an argument ensues above

i spoke to no one today except Murphy, cat, bunnies, birds, ants, bees and spiders

the last batch of weed truly illustrates why it is called dope
(Quick burn down to blister lip (lotsa times)

o - Elizabeth Jolley in The Sugar Mother mentions the Edelweis
- an unexpected and expensive German restaurant in Madrid
(one of my all time favorites)

once we were flying to Rio from Rome / we had a stop in Madrid
just long enough to grab a taxi and have a meal at the Edelweis
those were the daze

(this was written in large felt tip pen on three ring notebook paper
with wide blue lines) (not on the lines / smile) (all over the lines)


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