Thursday, August 05, 2004

the grotto

today i bought my ticket for the grotto concert

we go by barge down the colorado river after a bus ride to the "put in"

there is a grotto carved by wind and water and weather in the red rock walls of the canyon

we climb up the walls and find places to sit for the concert / or you can bring a chair and sit onthe sandy floor of the grotto

this year there will be a new Steinway Grand Piano / this concert will be its debut at the festival

the program will include Debussy and Bach and Paquito Rivera with his clarinet and some violinists and cellists / our musician in residence this year also plays the bagpipes and the flute

the last two years Judy and i went together / she treated me one year and i treated her last year / the tickets are $250 because it is a benefit for the River

after the concert there is a buffet and mingle with the musicians

mingling is fun

and the boat ride back up the river

a swell jaunt

i hadnt planned on going this year despite it being my next favorite event after the Car Show / but

today i thought shoot how can i miss it / i can go alone*

i love piano music / classical piano music / it reminds me of living in Rome and napping during the afternoon riposa and the countess who lived in the garden apartment played the piano and we dreamed *

it is not as if i am alone
my eyes are not alone
filled with roses

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