Friday, August 06, 2004

something about spiders

south wind
a perfect nag

east wind brings
good humored

"The spider sits with its abdomen in the air
and lets the wind pullout a silken thread"

(Spiders and Their Kin / Golden Press 1968)

"The wind moves inside the body of a woman.
The Nagual says that is so because women have
wombs. Once it's inside the womb the wind
simply picks you up and tells you to do things.
The more quiet and relaxed the woman is the
better the results. You may say that all of a
sidden the woman finds herself doing things
that she had no idea she could do."

(Second Ring of Power / Carlos Casteneda)

(It pertains to correlation)

can talent continually unapplied be said to exist ?

what you dont use, you lose

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