Monday, August 30, 2004

Silver Whistle

my daughter is going to a gathering of women to summon up
energy and power for a friend who needs help coming unstuck
from a frightful dilemma / she needs to sell her business and
leave an abusive man behind

things are dragging out so she asked her friends for help

the call goes out / the women gather their forces

i thought i might go to the gathering
until i learned about the drumming

i asked if there would be a lot of drumming
(my frequencies are disturbed by certain kinds
of drumming, i said)

she says the drumming is essential to bring you
back along the shamanic trail



Gene Krupa yes / shamanic drumming no

i said i will send good energy from home

i got out my silver whistle

"Rink guards are required to carry a whistle"
(from the ice skating rink manual)

at the moment i intuited that they were drumming
their way home i went outside and blew my whistle

some fun / i blew and blew and blew

and i blew the whistle some more

i really do like things you blow more than things you beat or hit or thump
when it comes right down to it / or maybe things that shake rattle and roll


and now for a roll in the clover / that awta stir up some energy

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