Wednesday, August 04, 2004


in the summer the window over the kitchen sink is open

place a saucer of water on the sill for the bees to drink

they get thirsty in the dry season and there are few places for a bee to get a drink of water

on your body ! a drop or two of water on your body as you sit in the sun, yes, they like that and will sip the droplet off your arm

before i put water out for them on the sill and on my arm they would fly into the bathtub when it was full of water / the bathtub was out the back door under the live oak trees

if you scoop a bee out of the water when he hasnt been in the tub too long he will fly away when dry enough and remember you forever

that’s when i put the saucer out for them / rescuing bees from the bathtub became time consuming

the ants drank from the saucer too / they would ring the puddle of water in the dish (it must be shallow) like covered wagons drawn into a circle

bees and ants will share water and food with each other but not with flies (observed at the Happy Trail Spider Works and Bubble Preserve)

the happy trail bees will also nibble dog food off your toe*

*inadvertently (no one does this on purpose) i stepped in something gooey in the kitchen but didnt notice

later, meditating on the deck, i felt a nuzzle on the bottom of my little toe / a bee was nibbling the gooey thing

the taming power of the small

did you know that bees like Meat, Grease, Pork Fat, and gooeyness of dog food clinging to the little toe ?

and then they make honey !

instead of meatloaf or pate

the bees have a hive and a Queen in the sycamore across the creek, the sycamore to the left when you look out from the window room

sometimes they swarm and go away

they always come home again

(from Coming of Age in Potanga / primary tablet / undated)

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